I recently read an insightful little e-book regarding the various blessings obtained from living the Word of Wisdom. A short quote follows.
"The Lord expects us to seek him in faith as our source for healing. In Exodus 15:26 God tells us “…I am the Lord that healeth thee.” In the German Bible, according to the Martin Luther translation this text reads “… I am the Lord your doctor.” Rabbi Eric R. Braverman explains why this is literally true.
“God is the only true physician (Deuteronomy 32:39) not just because he says so, but because his instructions to the priests in regard to leprosy in the book of Leviticus present the foundation of epidemiology—checking the spread of disease through quarantine, evacuation, and sometimes destruction of houses, as well as pathology and dermatology, diagnosing as well as prognosing about skin lesions.”
Rabbi Braverman is one of the growing number of medical doctors who is recognizing that healing cannot be removed from its spiritual and scriptural foundations. We must recognize that God is the ultimate source of all healing power, for he is also the source for all life. He was revealing laws about prevention and treatment long before modern science “discovered” such things."
Horne, Steven H., Health is a Blessing: A Guide to the Scriptural Laws of Good Health, p.55
No wonder why in James when it says that when the Elders of the church give some one who is sick a blessing and they get better, their sins are forgiven as well. In some instances Christ healed by forgiving of sins, in all cases he made them WHOLE not just physically well. Without a healthy spirit you cannot long maintain a healthy body...