Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Loyalty to the Compassionate Ruler

Palal the son of Uzai, over against the turning of the wall, and the tower which lieth out from the king's high house, that was by the court of the prison. After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh. Nehemiah 3:25

"Every Christian could take as his motto Shakespeare’s words, “May that thought when I imagine ill against my king and brethren be my last breathing in this mortal world.”

Such loyalty from a citizen puts an obligation on the ruler. Among the Jews, the chosen people, “the king’s upper house [palace] was by the court of the prison (Nehemiah 3:25).” This is the right place for a king to dwell—where he can always have in view how much his sovereignty costs those over whom he rules.

In order for the king to have the majesty and the power of a ruler, others must die in wars under his command. Orphans remain behind. Driven by poverty and lack of education, they end in prison. The king may have neglected to spread morality among his people. His life should remain close to the lowliest of the rejected so he will perceive his kingdom truly.

In biblical Greek, “to rule” and “to feed” are the same word, poimaino—as a shepherd both tends and feeds his flock. What matters is not how many state banquets the king attends, but how much care he has taken that the hungry be fed.

In Aramean, “Lamb of God,” a name for Jesus, is talya Aeloha, which also means “servant of God.” The king can be the first servant of a country only if he has the character of a lamb."

(Wurmbrand, Richard., 100 Prison Meditations Cries of Truth from Behind the Iron Curtain, Living Sacrifice Books, Bartlesville, OK, 1982, pg 162)

1 comment:

  1. Donna,
    This is great stuff. It has strengthened my love for the Lord and I am grateful to you for that.

    I liked knowing that the King's high house was described between the names Palal (means "judge") and Pedaiah (means "Jehovah has ransomed"). How perfect to also testify of the great King on high!
